
Why does the 'Beis" of "ba'Mageifah" with a 'Patach', in spite of the fact that it did not mention the plague before?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: Because the punishment fitted the crime perfectly 1 and was absolutely appropriate: Worms emerged from their tongues and crawled into their navels (Rashi). 2


Seforno: The plague that the spies referred to - "Eretz Ocheles Yoshvehah hi", now struck them, and they all died 3 simultaneously. 4


Sotah, 35a #1: Refer to answer #1. Their tongues grew long - down to their navels, and worms subsequently came out of their tongues and crawled down to their navels and from their navels to their tongues. 5


Sotah, 35a #2: Because they died by means of croup 6 - which Chazal describe as the worst form of death.


Rashi: Midah Keneged Midah, and that is why the Torah adds "Vayamusu lifnei Hashem". See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains why worms, why from the mouth and why into their navels.


According to Targum Yonasan, the worms emerged from their feces and consumed their tongues ? and this took place on the seventh of Ellul.


Seforno: Due to the bad air that enveloped them (Refer to 13:32:3:2).


Seforno: As opposed to the rest of the people, who died over the course of forty years.


See Torah Temimah, note 25.


See Torah Temimah, note 25.


Why does the Torah ad the words "ba'Mageifah Lifnei Hashem"?


Sanhedrin, 108a: To teach us that the ten spies lost their portion in the World to Come.


Considering that the spies spoke derogatively only about the land, why were they punished so harshly?


Arachin, 15a: Because Lashon ha'Ra is an extremely severe sin. 1 And if the punishment for speaking about the land is so heavy, imagine the punishment that awaits a person who speaks Lashon ha'Ra about people!


See Torah Temimah, note 26.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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