
?ve?Lamah Hashem Meivi osanu?. What was their question?


Seforno: Refer to 14:2:1:1. They were asking Moshe and Aharon what they had done to deserve such a fate. 1


Seforno: Based on the misunderstanding that Hashem hated them, either due to the idolatry that they had performed in Egypt, or for some other reason - as Pasuk 27 testifies.


Why did the spies not say anything derogative about the land itself publicly?


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: The spies did not debase the land itself when they spoke to Moshe, Aharon and B'nei Yisrael, because they knew that Moshe and Aharon, would refute them. Consequently, in front of Moshe, they conceded that the land was good, 1 and they only spoke about the strength of its inhabitants. However, they went to the people's tents, and covertly said 'to the B'nei Yisrael? Eretz Ocheles Yoshvehah"


Ramban: As the Torah states in Devarim, 1:27 & 28 See Ramban (See also Rashi there).


Why were the people guilty? Why should they have listened to Yehoshua and Calev and not to their ten colleagues?


Ramban: They should not have feared the strength of the Cana'anim 1 . They should have had faith in Hashem, "The Man of war" (Sh'mos 15:3), 2 and believed Yehoshua and Calev that they would have no problem in defeating them.


Refer to 14:3:2:1.


Having witnessed Hashem's strength in Egypt and at the Yam-Suf. See Pasuk 11.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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