
Why does this Pasuk not begin with a 'Vav', like all the Pesukim fom Pasuk 3 up to 30?


Oznayim la'Torah: The Torah does this deliberately to hint that the Meshulachas should be kept apart from the Shechutah and not see it being Shechted, since that would cause it to become sa Tereifah. 1


Refer to 14:4:1:2. See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


Why does the Torah write "Osah" after the bird rather than "Osam" after the hyssop?


Rashi: To teach the Kohen not to tie the bird together with the cedar-stick, the crimson thread and the hyssop when dipping them into the water. 1


He does however dip it into the water together with the other three items, as the Pasuk goes on to state.


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise supeerflouos) word "es'ha'Tzipor ha'Chayah Yikach osah"?


Sifra: To teach us that he only takes the Chayah


See Torah Temimah, note 40.


How is the dipping-in performed?


Nega'im, 14:1: The Kohen ties the cedar-wood and the hyssop with the longest part of the crimson thread, and dips them, together with the tips of the wings and the tail of the Meshulachas, into the blood of the Shechutah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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