
Why does the Torah write "Yechabes es Begadav" twice (once in connection with someone who lies in the house and one in connection with someone who eats in it)?


Rashi (citing the Sifra): To teach us that Kibus Begadim by Shochev is confined to where one lies down the time it takes to eat a P'ras. 1


Sifra: To teach us that the clothes of a Yisrael who is subject to Tum'ah, become Tahor via Kibus Begadim, but not the clothes of a Nochri or a Beheimah, who are not subject to Tum'ah.


Half a loaf - which is equivalent to three k'Beitzim (Torah Temimah)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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