
What if the oil in the Kohen's palm spills before he manages to place iton the Mitaher's head?


Yoma, 61a: It does not prevent the Taharah from taking effect


See Torah Temimah, note 84,who adds that this is not the case if the oil is still available and the Kohen failed to placeit on the Mitaher's head. Refer to 14:29:1:1.


What is "ve'Chiper alav ha'Kohen" referring to?


Ramban #1: It refers to the blood of the Asham and the oil, as discussed in Pesukim 14-17. 1


Ramban #2 (citing The Sifra): Tana'im argue about what atones - whether it is the remnant of oil that the Kohen places on the head of the Mitaher (R. Akiva), or the Korban Asham (R. Yochanan ben Nuri) 2 .


And the same applies to the Mitaher Oni (in Pasuk 29).


And the remnant of oil is merely "Sheyarei Mitzvah" (which is not crucial to the Kaparah).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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