What is a "Mashal"?
Radak: It is something that is not understood like the simple meaning.
What is the question "Eich Shavas Nogesh"?
Malbim: The one who pressed to collect taxes, how did he suddenly cease?
What is "[Shavsah] Madhevah"?
Rashi: It is an expression of great pride and a heavy load.
Rashi (from Shabbos 149b): [Bavel] used to say MeDoD v'HaVeH (measure [coins], and give [them])!
Radak: It is a staff, and also pine and cedar trees of Levanon (8). "Madhevah" is based on the Targum of gold (Dehava). It is a characteristic of Bavel, which had much gold; it collected taxes from all lands.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Saf Tekof Chayava (the strong Rasha ceased).