
What is "Kipod"?


Rashi: It is a hedgehog (a kind of Sheretz).


Radak: This is like it says about Churban Edom "vi'Yreshuha Ka'as v'Kipod" (34:11). It is Kenapod in Arabic, or Tartog in old French. It is always found in a place of water.


Malbim: "Morash Kipod" means that it will be forever desolate.


What is the meaning of "v'Teiteisiha"?


Rashi (from Megilah 18a): I will sweep. Radak - in Tanach, brooms are called Ya'im - "v'Ya'ah Varad" (28:17). Just like they sweep the house, and the floor remains clean, so Bavel will be clean (empty) of its people, honor, wealth and everything. The sweeping will be of destruction.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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