
Why does it say that she went to Tirtzah? Yaravam was in Shechem (12:25)!


Radak #1: Initially he was in Shechem, and later dwelled in Tirtzah. This is a city in Yisrael; it is listed among the kings of Kena'an "Melech Tirtzah Echad" (Yehoshua 12:24).


Radak #2: His son became ill in Tirtzah.


Here it says that he died when she came to the house. The Navi said (verse 12) that he will die when she reaches the city!


Radak: He was stricken once she came to the city. He did not die until she reached the house.


Malbim: He died once she came to the city. She found out only when she reached the house.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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