Why does it say "Af Ein Yesh Ru'ach b'Fihem"?
Rashi: They lack even 1 Ru'ach of living beings - all the more so they cannot speak like people! Radak - Ru'ach is the hot air that exudes from the heart via the mouth.
Malbim: They lack even the Ru'ach found in the lowest living beings.
Rashi: Here, "Af" has a Patach [and it means 'even']. Above (115:6, "Af Lahem v'Lo Yerichun"), it has a Kamatz, and it means 'nose'. (In our texts, also above it has a Patach! However, in Yeshayah 3:21 "v'Nizmei ha'Af", it has a Kamatz. - PF)