
What are the ramifications of the phrase "ke'Mar'eh Tzara'as Or Basar"?


Rashi (on Pasuk 42): It implies a. that it requires one of the four appearances of Nig'ei Basar 1 and b. that it can last a maximum of two weeks. 2


Ramban (on Pasuk 29-30): It implies that it is Metamei via a Michyah or spreading. 3


Rashi: Not like Nesakim, which do not require one of the four appearances. The Sifra cites the second reason that Rashi cites, but not the first one.


Rashi: Not like Sh'chin and Michvah, which last at most one week.


Ramban, citing Nega'im, 4:3: Refer also to 13:42:2:1..

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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