
What is "Yesh Mis'asher v'Ein Kol"?


Rashi #1: He makes himself appear rich. R. Yonah - he gets haughty and honors himself, but really, he has nothing.


Rashi #2: A person can be rich at the end and initially he had nothing.


Rashi #3: A person can become rich via stealing from the poor, and at the end he has nothing.


Malbim: Some appear to the eye to be rich, but intellect discerns that really, he has nothing. This is because wealth is not a real Kinyan, rather, an imagined Kinyan, like a lunatic says 'this is my house and my Kinyan', like it says in Moreh ha'Nevuchim. We call someone with many Kinyanim 'Ashir'; this is folly. There is no true connection between the owner and his property; the Kinyan does not cling to his Nefesh. Sometimes he loses his wealth via a mishap. In any case he will leave it to others when he dies!


What is a case of "Misroshesh v'Hon Rav"?


Menachos 85b: People of Ludkiyah sent a Nochri to buy a million [Manos 1 ] of oil. He was directed to Ploni in Gush Chalav. Ploni was digging under a tree. After he finished, he put his tools over his back and cleared stones off the field while heading back to the city. Later, he measured out even more than was initially requested.


Rashi #1: A person can be poor at the end after having great wealth.


Rashi #2: Via scattering his money and giving to the poor, great wealth is summonsed for him.


Malbim: Some appear to the eye to be poor, but really, he has great wealth. One who scatters his wealth for Tzedakah and Chesed, he acquired perfection of his Nefesh. This is the essence of man, that lives forever; it is true wealth, a great eternal fortune.


R. Gershom (85b). (Surely Maneh refers to 100 Dinarim, and not a weight (about a pound), for oil is not normally sold by weight. Also, to transport it, he needed to rent every animal that carries loads in Eretz Yisrael (85)! - PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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