
What is the Chidush that a Tzadik hates Devar Sheker?


Rashi: A Tzadik hates it, but a Rasha accepts it.


R. Yonah: When a Tzadik argues with someone, even if it would help him to insult him with Sheker or speak Leshon ha'Ra about him, he does not do so. We understand the Reisha of the verse from its end.


Malbim: The base of Tzedek is built on love of Emes. If one's heart leans towards Sheker, he will not do acts of Tzedek. He will tilt Mishpat, hear Leshon ha'Ra and Rechilus and judge his colleague negatively. All this is against Tzedek. Therefore, a Tzadik hates Sheker.


What is "Yav'ish v'Yachpir"?


Rashi: He insults and shames [people via Sheker].


R. Yonah: He insults and shames his enemy or one whom he envies. He tells Leshon ha'Ra about him and ruins his repute in people's eyes, and insults people with words of disgrace and anger.


Malbim #1: A Rasha does the opposite of Tzedek. He loves Sheker, to ruin a person's repute not in front of him, via Rechilus, Leshon ha'Ra and Sheker.


Malbim #2: A Tzadik finds a Rasha repulsive, for he hates Devar Sheker, therefore he hates the Rasha, who lies.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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