Why does it say "Hineni El Kis'soseichanah"?
Radak: This is like Hineni Eleichem (I turn to you).
What is "l'Forechos"?
Rashi: [Via you,] they fly [to Gehinom].
Radak: They faint due to your words, that they will die.
Radak (23): Some say that the Parashah discusses Ba'alos Ov, who conjure up the dead with their words. The dead rise from their graves and fly in the air.
Were the Kesasos on the Zero'a?
Radak: Yes ? this is Atzilei Yadayim mentioned above (18). If they were on the arms of those who asked, it is as if they are your [the witches'] arms, for you did the actions. Some say that they were on the witches' arms.
How will Hashem send the Nefashos?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I will shelter the Nefashos that you plot to destroy them.
Radak: I will free them from you hands that trap them.
Malbim: I will hand you over to the ones whom you trap.
What is the meaning of "Es Nefashim l'Forechos"?