
What will Madai do to Bavel?


Rashi: Daryavesh ha'Midi killed Belshatzar - "Bei Beliliyah Ketil Belshatzar", "v'Daryavesh Mada'ah Kabel Malchusa" (Daniel 5:30, 6:1).


Why do they not desire gold?


Rashi: They want only to kill and avenge the evil that Bavel's kings did to all the nations. Radak - they will not accept redemption - "Okir Enosh mi'Paz" (12). Malbim - this discusses what they will do to the natives of Bavel. Against the foreigners, they came only for money - to plunder their houses 1 . They denied the importance of silver. No one can deny the importance of gold; even so, they abandoned it and went only to destroy.


Malbim (16) said that they also bashed the foreigners' children and raped their wives (refer to 13:16:2:2)! Perhaps they intended for money, but when they suspected that a father hid his money, they afflicted his children and wife to persuade him to reveal his money. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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