When did Elisha die?
Radak citing Seder Olam (19): It was in the 10th year of Yo'ash 1 . Elisha was the leading [Navi] over Yisrael for 60 years, for he began in the 19th year of Yehoshafat.
Radak: What is Seder Olam's source? It seems that it was at the beginning of Yo'ash's kingship, for the salvation began them. From when his father Yehoachaz sought Hashem, Hashem heard his Tefilah!
Why does it say "Yavo'u va'Aretz"?
Rashi: They regularly came and looted in the land. Radak - this started after Elisha died. In his lifetime, Yisrael were saved from Mo'av and harmed Mo'av.
What is the meaning of "Ba Shanah"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: At the end of the year, when the land is full of grass and there is food for animals, troops normally go out then.
Radak: This is like Bah (the Aleph at the end is in place of a Hei) Shanah, i.e. in the same year that Elisha died. Also Gavha Komaso" (Yechezkel 31:5) has an Aleph at the end in place of the Hei that denotes the feminine. In "Vah b'Rov Gilulav" (Yechezkel 14:4), there is a Hei in place of an Aleph.
Malbim: It was a year after Elisha died.