
What does the Pasuk mean when it writes, "And he went on his travels"?


Rashi #1: On the return journey from Egypt, Avraham stayed in the same inns as he stayed on his way down. 1


Rashi #2: It teaches us that he paid off all the credit that was still owing. 2


Seforno: The Pasuk is informing us that he traveled slowly, 3 remaining in one place until there was no more grass for his cattle to graze, and then moving on to the next location.


To teach us that a person should not switch hosts, but should always frequent the same hotel.


Presumably, he went into debt, because, forced to go down to Egypt due to the famine, he did not yet have a chance to earn money, and was short of money when he traveled to Egypt, with his entourage (See also Sifsei Chachamim). However, refer to 13:3:1.2:1.


Refer to 13:2:1:1.



Rashi writes: "This teaches proper conduct; a guest should not deviate from his regular place of lodging." Why is this so?


Gur Aryeh: One should not convey a false impression of being dissatisfied with his previous host; nor of himself being unwelcome by the host.


Rashi writes: "Upon his return, he paid his accounts." Did Avraham not have the funds to pay until now? HaSh-m had already promised to bless him monetarily!


Gur Aryeh: Because it was a time of famine when Avraham went down to Mitzrayim, Avraham was afraid of bandits. He therefore gave the impression of having no money with him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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