What is "Yerushalayim ha'Benuyah"?
Rashi: When Shlomo will build the Beis ha'Mikdash inside it, it will be built with Shechinah, Mikdash, Aron and Mizbe'ach.
Rashi (citing Ta'anis 5a): There is Yerushalayim built in Shamayim. In the future, Yerushalayim below will be like it.
Radak: Bnei Galil say, when Yerushalayim was built and the Shechinah was in it, how praiseworthy it was! Where will you find a city like it?!
What is "k'Ir she'Chubrah Lah"?
Rashi: Like Shilo; a verse compares (Shilo and Yerushalayim) - "El ha'Menuchah v'El ha'Nachalah" (Devarim 12:9).
Radak: The congregation of Yisrael is connected to it.
Malbim: The individual limbs combine to it and for it, to be one body.
Why does it say "Yachdav"?
Radak: Three times a year [on the festivals,] all of Yisrael] were together [in Yerushalayim].