Bearing in mind that Aharon was equal o Moshe, why did he refer to him as ?Adoni??
Rashi (in Beshalach Sh?mos, 17:9): This teaches us that the Kavod of one?s clooeague should be equivalent to the fear of Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu.
What is the meaning of "Asher No'alnu"?
Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: It means 'we were foolish!' 1
Oznayim la'Torah: In support of the Gemara in Sotah 3a - that a person does not sin unless a spirit of foolishness enters into him. m,.
Seeing as Aharon had already been cured (a sign that he had been forgiven - Nedarim, 41a), why did he say "asher No'alnu asher Chatanu!"
Oznayim la'Torah: In keeping with the Pasuk in Tehilim, 51:5 ?ve?Chatasi Negdi Tamid? ? which obligates a person to constantly remember his past sins and do Teshuvah on them.