
What are the implications of "u'vi'Melos Yemei Taharah"?


Nazir, 64b: It implies that, if the Yoledes gives birth to another stillborn baby on the forty-first day after a boy or on the eighty-first day after a girl, 1 she is obligated to bring a second set of Korbanos. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 42.


Refer also to 12:7:4.


Why does the Pasuk give precedence to the B'nei Yonah', whereas everywhere else, the Torah gives precedence to the Torim?


Ba'al ha'Turim: Because, whereas anyone else who brings birds bring two, a Yoledes brings only one. The Torah therefore prompts the Yoledes to bring a Ben Yonah, since a Tor remains eternally loyal to its spouse, and, if she were to take a Tor, she would leave its partner in mourning for its entire life. 1


Ha'amek Davar: Because Torim are more beautiful than B'nei Yonah. Consequently, here, where it is for a Chatas, her Korban should not be Mehudar, therefore the Torah prefers a Yonah. 2


Kerisos 28a: Even though the Torah always mentions Tor first, here the Torah gives precedence to the Ben Yonah, to demonstrate that they are equal - and that one does not need to give preference to Torim.


Perhaps the Torah advises so only here, for all others bring two birds, and we assume that one who brings two Torim will bring a Tor and its mate! (PF)


Refer to 5:11:1:1. This is difficult. When one brings two birds, and one is a Chatas, the Torah mentions Torim first! According to Da'as Zekenim (refer to 12:8:2:3), we can say the opposite - Yonim are more beautiful. Here, her Chatas is not for sin, so her Korban may be Mehudar! (PF)


Why does the Torah write "Ben Shenaso" and not 'Ben Shanah'?


Moshav Zekenim (citing Nidah 47b): To teach us that we must count from the lamb's day of birth - and not according to the years of the world 1 (from Tishrei).


Moshav Zekenim citing the Ri: According to R. Meir, who holds that one day in a year is considered a year, no Pasuk is needed! We cannot count according to years of the world, because then no lamb would be Kosher for [the Tamid or the Musafim of] Rosh Hashanah, since a Korban must be at least eight days old, so it begins it second year on Rosh Hashanah! (Even if you will say that only a full day counts like a year, no lamb would be Kosher for the Tamid in the six days after Rosh Hashanah. - PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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