
Why does it say "uv'Navi He'elah Hashem Es Yisrael"?


Rashi: You disgrace and mock the Nevi'im with your words - Hashem brought Yisrael up [from Egypt] via a Navi!


Radak: Further, I did Chesed with his sons. They descended to Egypt and were enslaved there. I sent them a Navi (Moshe) and raised them from Egypt with great wealth.


Malbim: In response to rebuking them for denial and the calves, they answer that they need an intermediary between them and Hashem. When Yisrael made the Egel, they said "Aseh Lanu Elohim... Ki Zeh Moshe ha'Ish Asher He'elanu me'Eretz Egypt Lo Yadanu Meh Hayah Lo" (Shemos 32:1). Initially Moshe was the intermediary between them and Hashem. When Moshe disappeared, they made the Egel to go in front of them; it will be the intermediary between them and Hashem to receive influence. Efrayim said that also they need the calves to be an intermediary between them and Hashem to receive influence. Their proof is, Hashem raised Yisrael from Egypt via a Navi.


Why does it add "uv'Navi Nishmar"?


Radak: The 40 years that they were in the Midbar, they were guarded via a Navi that I gave to them, and they did not lack anything. They do not remember these benefits, and anger Me with abominations and [serving] a non-god.


Malbim: This is another proof that we need an intermediary between us and Hashem. The Navi was always an intermediary to receive influence. This is why we made the calves!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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