
What shame should Hashem remove?


Rashi: Pardon me for that sin (the episode of Bas Sheva), and then my enemies will not be able to shame me for it. Radak - because the previous verse requested to fulfill the promise to his sons after him, he requests that that sin not be a prosecution, which is shame for his sons 1 .


Malbim: I was afraid of the punishment for my sins, that due to this, Hashem will not establish my kingship. This was shameful - I should not fear, for Your judgments are good, for a good purpose! "Make with me a Siman for the good, so my enemies will see and be ashamed" (86:17).


Radak: Even though Nasan ha'Navi told him "Gam Hashem He'evir Chatascha Lo Samus" (Shmuel II, 12:13), Hashem removed it from David. David requests that He remove it also from his sons.


What is the meaning of "Asher Yagorti"?


Radak: I was afraid of the sin.


Malbim: Refer to 119:39:1:2.


Why does it say "Ki Mishpatecha Tovim"?


Rashi: I already accept [Your verdict;] I must pay four-fold for the lamb. (Refer to Shmuel II, 12:6:1:1.)


Radak: You do not judge man according to the punishment that is proper for him, rather, You remove part of the punishment, for You are Tov v'Salach, and Your Mishpatim are good.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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