Who are "Ohavei Sorasecha"?
Brachos 64a: They are Chachamim.
Lev Eliyahu (1, p.84): They are women. The verse did not say 'Lomedei Sorasecha', for women are not commanded to learn. Also refer to 119:165:3:4.
Why do "Ohavei Sorasecha" have great Shalom?
Radak: They are satisfied with the little that they attain from this world, and they are not worried about occurrences. This is great Shalom!
Malbim: Torah protects from evil, and saves from the Yetzer ha'Ra (Sotah 21a). They have Shalom, i.e. protection from mishaps.
Why does it say "v'Ein Lamo Michshol"?
Radak: They do not stumble, for their path is straight, and they always have Shalom.
Tzelach (Brachos 64a): When there is peace among Chachamim, they learn together and are saved from mistakes/
Malbim: Torah protects from evil, and saves from the Yetzer ha'Ra (Sotah 21a). Therefore, they do not come to sin.
Lev Eliyahu (1, p.84): Women are rewarded for sending their husbands and sons to learn, and they do not have the Aveirah of Bitul Torah 1 .
Shabbos 33b says that women are punished for causing Bitul Torah of their husbands! (Beis Aharon v'Yisrael 5776 Gilyon 5 p.119)