
What is the request "Panecha Ha'er b'Avdecha"?


Radak: This is like "Ya'er Hashem Panav Elecha" (Bamidbar 6:25); His 'face' is His approval - "b'Or Pnei Melech Chayim u'Retzono k'Av Malkosh" (Mishlei 16:15).


Malbim: When Ya'er Panav is followed by the prefix Beis, this shows that His radiance and Giluy Shechinah are in the inner intellectual Nefesh. Via this influence of Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, You will teach to me Your Chukim, for I will increase Chachmah and intellect until I understand them, even though they are covered and hidden.


What is the connection of the two halves of the verse?


Radak: Amidst approval of me, You will teach to me Your Chukim.


Malbim: Refer to 119:135:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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