
Who are "Se'afim"?


Rashi: They are people who think about sin. This is like "Lachen Se'ipai Yeshivuni" (Iyov 20:2), "Al Shtei ha'Se'ifim" (Melachim I, 18:21). Se'ifim refers to the thoughts; Se'afim it refers to those who think them.


Radak #1: Some say that it is To'ar (a kind of person), i.e. one with bad thoughts.


Radak #2: I say that it is a noun (thoughts. I hated all thoughts other than Torah.)


How does he express his love of Torah?


Radak: All his thoughts are on it. Malbim - above (97), he said "Mah Ahavti Sorasecha Kol ha'Yom Hi Sichasi" - he speaks only in Torah. Now it adds that he thinks only in Torah. He hates to put other thoughts in his heart.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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