
Why does the Torah add the words "Ad ha'Yom ha'Zeh"?


Ramban #1: Because Hashem destroyed every last Egyptian horse, chariot and rider, 1 leaving Egypt a lowly nation, without horses, without chariots and without an army.


Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra): Because all those who chased after Yisrael were destroyed, together with their offspring in Egypt, 2 so that nothing remained of the entire family. 3


Seforno: Because all the Egyptian officers together with all the soldiers perished at the Yam-Suf, a blow from which they had not recovered forty years later, when they had still not been replaced.


Ramban: All of which they took to the Yam-Suf .


Ramban: 'Even though this is not mentioned in the Torah'.


See Ibn Ezra.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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