
Why was Yehoshua incensed?


Rashi #1: Because he thought that, since they had withdrawn and not been appointed elders, 1 they did not have the authority to prophesy.


Rashi #2 and Ramban #1 (citing Sanhedrin, 17a): Because they were prophesying that Moshe would die and that he, Yehoshua, would take Yisrael into Eretz Yisrael. 2


Ramban #2: He thought that they were prophesying from the Atzilus of Moshe, together with the seventy elders, in which case they ought to have prophesied beside the Ohel Mo'ed, like the seventy did, in which case they had no business to prophesy independently in the camp. 3


Ramban #3 (citing Sanhedrin, 17a): Because it was customary for a Navi not to prophesy in the presence of a Navi greater than himself. 4


Seforno: Because he suspected them of deliberately withdrawing from the lottery in order to show that they could prophesy independently, without Atzilus from Moshe.


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: Hashem said that there would be only seventy Nevi'im. Yehoshua thought that they were not among them, in which case, they must be false prophets!


Moshav Zekenim: Because, although a Navi who withholds his prophecy is Chayav Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim (Sanhedrin 89a), that is only if Hashem instructs him to publicize it. Otherwise, it is understood thst, since he has not been told to publicize it, it is improper to do so.


Rosh: A hint to this is "Misnav'im" ? an acronym for 'Moshe Tanu'ach Nafsho be'Eden Az Yehoshua Machnis.'


See Ba'al ha'Turim, on Pasuk 27.


See Ramban, DH 'u've'Targum Yerushalmi'.


Ramban (Ibid.): Since it is akin to issuing a ruling in the presence of one's Rebbe (which is like taking his expertise from him ? Da'as Zekenim).


What did Yehoshu'a mean when he said "Kela'em"?


Rashi #1: He meant that Moshe should place on them communal responsibility 1 to stop them from prophesying. 2


Rashi #2, Rashbam and Targum Onkelos: He meant that he should (stop them 3 and prevent them from going out into the street - Rashbam, and) arrest them and put them in jail!'.


Rashi #3 (in Beshalach Sh'mos, 17:9): He meant that Hashem should destroy them from the world. Like one who rebels against Hashem Himself. 4


Ramban #2 (citing Targum Yerushalmi) and Targum Yonasan: He meant that Moshe should (pray to Hashem to - Targum Yonasan) withhold 5 the spirit of prophecy from them.


See Sifsei Chachamim. Eruvin 63b: And because Yehoshua issued a ruling in the preence of his Rebbe, he died without a son. See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Kela'em'.


See Torah Temimah, note 26.


Rashbam: As in Bereishis 8:2.


Rashi (Ibid.): And we learn from here that one's awe of one's Rebbe should be equivalent to one's awe of Hakodosh Baruch Hu.


Ramban: As in Tehilim, 40:10, 12. Malbim (here and Melachim 2, 2:2) - a bigger luminary is a conduit for light to pass through it to small stars, just like the earth receives light of the sun at night via the moon. In Moshe's lifetime, Nevi'im could receive the authority to prophesy only via him. After Hashem 'copied' Moshe's Ru'ach onto the seventy elders, [others] could receive it via the Zekenim close to Moshe. They were the conduit for influence to spill to the people. How was the order of learning? Moshe taught Aharon; after, Aharon taught the Zekenim; after, the Zekenim taught Yisrael (Eruvin 54b). Yehoshua complained that Eldad and Meidad are [prophesizing, i.e.] receiving influence by themselves; he wanted Moshe to stop the influence from them ? "Kela'em." Moshe wanted that all B'nei ha'Nevi'im will receive his light and Ru'ach - "Mi Yiten Kol Am Hashem Nevi'im Ki Yiten Hashem Es Rucho Aleihem."


Why was Yehoshua allowed to call Moshe by his name? Gechazi was punished for calling his Rebbi Elisha by his name!


Rashi (in Sanhedrin 100a) permits saying 'Mori Rebbi Ploni.' Presumably, likewise one may say 'Adoni Moshe.' (PF)



Rashi writes that he should place on them communal responsibility to stop them from prophesying. How would that stop them?


Riva: Due to the great toil they will become sad, and the Shechinah does not rest upon people who re sad or lazy, only on people who are happy.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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