Why does the Torah insert the otherwise superfluous) word "Ad Chodesh Yamim"?
Megilah, 5a: To teach us that one counts days as part of a month but not hours. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 17.
What is the significance of the one month period?
Yerushalmi Mo?ed Katan, 3:1: It teaches us that ?S?tam Niduy (Cherem) Sheloshim Yom?. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 18.
How will we reconcile this Pasuk with Pasuk 33 which indicates that they died immmdiately?
Rashi #1 (citing the Sifri): This Pasuk is referring to the best among them (the Beinonim), who languished in their beds until they died; whereas Pasuk 33 is referring to the Resha'im, who died whilst their first bite was still between their teeth. 1
Rashi #2 (citing the Mechilta): It was the Resha'im who suffered for thirty days before they expired, and the best among them (were spared the agony, and) died immediately.
Ramban #2: On the very first day that the quails fell, many - the first to express their desires, and those who cried with them 2 - died; whilst those who subsequently complained in family groups 3 continued dying throughout the next thirty days, loathing it even as they ate and throwing away piles of quails. 4 4/Seforno (on Pasuk 33): The people who lusted and demanded meat to test Hashem who died immediately; whereas those who followed suit and cried and who declared "Lamah Zeh Yatzanu mi'Mitzrayim?" died over a period of thirty days, and continued to cry due to the ensuing illness.
What are the connotations of "Ad asher Yeitzei me'Apchem"?
Rashi, Rashbam and Targum Onkelos: It means 'until you become sick of it'. 1
Targum Yonasan: It means 'until its fouir odor comes out of your nostrils
Rashi: And it is as if you ate excessive quantities of it until it comes out of your bodies via the nose.
What are the connotations of "Ve'hayah lachem le'Zara"?
Rashi #1 (citing the Sifri) and Ramban #1: It means 'You will loathe it 1 more than you were attracted to it. 2
Rashi #2 (citing R. Moshe ha'Darshan): It means that it will be for you a sword.There is a language in which a sword is called 'Zara'.
Seforno: It means 'You will eat it until you get very sick 3
Ramban: From the word "Zar" (foreign). The 'Alef' at the end of "Zara" demonstrates extremity. See also Ibn Ezra.
Like the asuk in Shmuel 2. 13:19 - in connection with Amnon and Tmar - "Gedolah ha'Sin'ah ? meha'Ahavah" (R. Bachye).
Seforno: As the Pasuk in Tehilim, 78:31 intimates. See also Ba'al ha'Turim.
What are the implications of "Ya'an ki Me'astem es Hashem asher b'Kirbechem"?
Rashi: 'Had I not rested My Shechinah among you, you would not have become so arrogant as to do all these things.
Where did Yisrael complain about leaving Egypt?
Rashbam and Seforno: In Pasuk 5, when they reminised about the fish and vegetables that they received there free (and not just Manna - Seforno).
Why did Hashem punish them more stringently here than the other times that they complained?