What are the connotations of ?Zos Toras ha?Beheimah ve?ha?Of?? Why does the Torah invert the order - to insert the birds before before the sea creatures (See Torah Temimah, note 207)?
Pesachim, 49b: To teach us that only someone who studies Torah is permitted to eat the meat of animals and of fowl - but an Am ha'Aretz is forbidden to eat meat. 1
Chulin, 27b: It juxtaposes the birds to the animals to teach us that ? as opposed to fish ? birds, like animals, require Shechitah (and that the location of Shechitah animals, like that of birds, is on the necak ? R. Eliezer) 2
Chulin, 27b: It places birds in between animals (which require the majority of two Simanim to be cut) and fish, (which do not require Shechitah at all), to teach us that they require the majority of one Siman to be cut.
What is the word "Zos" coming to preclude?
Chulin, 27b: It precludes birds from requiring the majority of both Simanim to be cut. 1
What is "u'le'Chol Nefesh ha'Romeses al ha'Aretz" referring to?
Halachos Gedolos: It refers to locusts.
What is "u'le'Chol Nefesh ha'Romeses al ha'Aretz" referring to?
Halachos Gedolos: It refers to locusts.
Which species is the current Pasuk discussing?
Moshav Zekenim: It is discussing Tahor animals, birds, fish and locusts, but not Sheretz ha'Of, which are small. Locusts were taught after fish, to teach us that like fish, they do not require Shechitah.