
How is "Eshes Chen Tismoch Kavod"?


Rashi: Keneses Yisrael constantly comes close to honor Hashem and His Torah.


R. Yonah: An intellectual woman - "Sechel Tov Yiten Chen" (13:15) - strives to uphold her husband's honor, even via monetary loss. Perhaps the verse discusses a woman, and not Ish Chen, to teach that an Aritz, even if his wife is Eshes Chen, he will not let her act properly and earn honor even with the work of her hands.


Malbim: When wealth and honor are gifts from Hashem, they always come together. This is if he uses the gift of wealth to do Chesed, Tzedakah and good - then he inherits also honor. Such honor is an attribute if he worthy of it via his Midos and attributes. Wealth is lowliness if it is via theft and extortion, or if he uses it for evil. Our verse teaches these attributes separately; they need efforts to attain them. A Gibor is not needed; even an Ishah can be honored, via her good deeds.


Malbim (according to Melitzah): A dear Nefesh and Chachmah, which this Sefer metaphorically calls an Ishah (it is honored).


How are "Aritzim Yismechu Osher"?


Rashi: Bnei Edom come close to honor Hashem and His Torah.


R. Yonah: People who instill fear on others, they are called Aritzim - "Lo Sa'artzun v'Lo Sir'un" (Devarim 1:29), "Rasha Aritz" (Tehilim 37:35). They are concerned only for increasing wealth, which strengthens them to instill fear on people. They love that people fear them and damage from them, more than honor and importance in the eyes of people. Therefore, they refrain from Tzedakos and Chesed; they look to theft and oppression to increase wealth. They stray greatly, to think that honor is that people fear them and their money. Really, honor is from proper deeds, good conduct and lowliness of spirit. This makes people love and esteem him! Resha'im's evil hearts blind their eyes - "v'Derech Resha'im Tas'em" (12:26).


Malbim: People who use physical strength improperly, to scare the poor, they attain wealth.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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