
What is the command "Re'e Es Tzon ha'Haregah"?


Rashi: Prepare shepherds for them. I.e. prophesize about the leaders that will conduct them from now. Yisrael are called "Tzon ha'Haregah", for their shepherds killed and consumed them.


Radak #1: Most Meforshim say that earlier, Hashem told him to prophesize about Yisrael until their Galus.


Radak #2: Some say that it refers to Bayis Sheni. They are called "Tzon ha'Haregah", for constantly their enemies kill them when they transgress Hashem's Mitzvos. My father says that Re'e is Makor (infinitive), like Lir'os. Also "Lema'an Heye Lah Barak" (Yechezkel 21:15) is like Lihyos. Hashem said that He will tend them ? "va'Er'eh Es Tzon ha'Haregah" (7); He did not tell the Navi to do so.


Radak (14 citing R. Avraham ha'Levi of Tulitula): This refers to Binyan Bayis Sheni.


Malbim: After showing the Navi Churban Bayis Sheni, He showed what will happen while Bayis Sheni stands. The Navi should arrange in his Nevu'ah their shepherds, and how they will conduct them during Bayis Sheni.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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