
Why does it say "Lo Savo'u Vahem"?


Radak: This is like it says "Lo Sischaten Bam" (Devarim 7:3). Even though that was said about the seven Kena'ani nations, the same applies to all nations. The Torah warned about the seven, for Yisrael were about to enter their land. Had he brought them to the law of Yisrael, it would not be forbidden if they converted will a full heart, and not due to fear or love. Chachamim argue about this (Yevamos 76a), like I explained above (3:3. Some say that like this, and some say that the Isur is only after conversion. Before this, marriage does not take effect!)


What is the meaning of "Achen"?


Radak: In truth [they will veer your hearts] - "Ki Yasir Es Bincha me'Acharai" (Devarim 7:4).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Perhaps [they will make you err].


Why does it say "Bahem Davak Shlomo Le'ahavah"?


Malbim: He did not cling via marriage, rather, in the way of love and desire.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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