
Why does it say "va'Ya'amod Pinchas"?


Brachos 6b: "Amidah" is for prayer, like it says "va'Yfalel."


Radak: "Va'Yakam mi'Toch ha'Edah" (Bamidbar 25:7).


What is the meaning of "va'Yfalel"?


Brachos 6b: It is prayer. Chulin 134b - in the merit of Pinchas' Tefilah, Kohanim receive the jaw of a slaughtered Chulin Behemah.


Sanhedrin 44a: It does not say 'va'Yispalel', rather, "va'Yfalel", he was judging in front of Hashem. He cast Zimri and Kozbi on the ground, and asked if these were worthy to cause 24,000 Yisraelim to die in a plague 1 .


Radak: He did Mishpat against No'afim 2 . "Va'Yfalel" is like "v'Nasan bi'Flilim" (Shemos 21:22).


Sanhedrin 82b: Angels wanted to dispel him for this, but Hashem defended him. 'He is a zealot, and the descendant of a zealot (Levi, who avenged the taking of Dinah). He turns away My anger, and descends from one who turned away My anger (Aharon, after Korach's rebellion).'


Rashi (Shemos 20:13): 'Ni'uf' refers to a married woman. (Perhaps Radak disagrees. I did not find any source that Kozbi was married - PF.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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