Why does it mention wind passing over it?
Rashi: This is a metaphor for mortal illness.
Radak: Wind passes over the blossom and dries it. So a man - now you see him, and now (soon) they will say that he died "v'Einenu" (he is not among the living).
Malbim: Just like wind dries grass, so man dies quickly.
What is the meaning of "v'Einenu"?
Radak: He is not among the living.
Radak citing Shocher Tov: This refers to the Yetzer [ha'Ra]. It goes with him, but does not come with him 1 .
To the world to come. (PF)
Why does it say "v'Lo Yakirenu Od Mekomo"?
Radak: His place when he was alive - he will not recognize it any more.
Malbim: This corresponds to a blossom of the field. It is unlike grass - after grass is uprooted, some remains. A blossom falls, and nothing remains; one cannot recognize the place where it was.