
What is the meaning of "Bnei Avadecha Yishkonu"?


Radak: They will dwell forever in their land, after they will return in the days of the Ge'ulah. They and their children will never be exiled from it again.


Malbim: Even though the entire existence will cease, Bnei Tzadikim will dwell forever without perishing. This is in a generation of Tzadikim who are a part of Hashem; they are attributed to him, like His years. Due to them, He makes changes in His world.


Why does it say "Lefanecha Yikon"?


Radak: They will serve Hashem all days.


Malbim: Tzadikim will stand in front of You in the world of Neshamos.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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