
Why did "Hashem [mi'Shamayim] El Eretz Hibit"?


Rashi: He looked to see the affliction of His nation. This is like "Ki Ram Hashem v'Shafal Yir'eh" (138:6).


Malbim: It was to hear the Tefilos that they pray to him at the time of Galus, i.e. "Enkas Asir" (verse 21) - he screams from his incarceration.


Why does it mention "mi'Merom Kodsho" and "mi'Shamayim"?


Malbim: Merom Kodsho is where His Oz (strength) dwells, above the Ma'arachah. From there He supervises and hears Tefilah. From Shamayim he released Bnei Temusah from their incarceration, via the Ma'arachah; He causes their salvation via nature, with hidden miracles.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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