What is the meaning of "Hon Ashir Kiryas Uzo"?
Rashi: Wealth in Torah is a city of strength for him.
R. Yonah: An Ashir trusts in his wealth, and an Oni fears due to his poverty. Both of them made the same mistake. Life and good are not due to wealth.
Malbim: Hon is a collection of money and valuables. Kiryas is a fortified city. The Ashir does not need a fortified city for refuge from afflicters. His wealth is a strong fortified city that gives refuge from troubles of time that afflict and pain people. In it, he is sheltered from hunger, cold and every lack.
Malbim (according to Melitzah): The inner wealth of the Nefesh is the Chachmah that he gathered in his heart. It is a strong fortified city against internal enemies that afflict his Nefesh, i.e. desires and the Yetzer ha'Ra.
What is the meaning of "Mechitas Dalim Reisham"?
Rashi: Their poverty, that they did not engage in Torah, is their trouble.
R. Yonah: Refer to 10:15:1:2.
Malbim: Dal is one who had wealth, and waxed poor. He is like one that enemies conquered his strong fortified city. This is his trouble; he has no shelter from troubles of time.
Malbim (according to Melitzah): Dalim, who lack Chachmah, and a Kesil comes against them and conquers the city.