
How is Pi Tzadik a source of life?


R. Yonah: Anyone who drinks from what flows from his mouth, he will live. His lips do not cease to speak Musarim and words of Tzadikim. They are life to those who hear and hearken to their words.


Malbim: The way of Chachmah is the way of life. It brings to true life. One who draws the water of Chachmah and drinks from them, he will live forever. However, the source from which this life flows, has three facets. (a) He attains the good path from Sechel - "Mekor Chayim Sechel Be'alav" (16:22). (b) Via Toras Chayim that he received from Chachamim who taught the ways of Chachmah in Seforim of the Torah - "Toras Chacham Mekor Chayim" (13:14). (c) For Emunah in the Kabalah, one needs Yir'as Hashem, which is Musar Chachmah - "Yir'as Hashem Mekor Chayim" (14:27). Similarly, he learns details of the ways of Chachmah from seeing a Tzadik 1 and one who conducts in the ways of Tzedek, and he does like their deeds and learns from his mouth in every detail how to conduct.


Malbim: There is a difference between Tzadik and Chacham. A Tzadik need not be a Chacham, i.e. one who learned the laws of Chachmah in a systemized way and can arrange Torah law overrides all matters of life and death, good and bad. It suffices that a Tzadik accustomed his nature and knows what to do in cases that arise in front of him. His source of life is from his mouth, and not from his Torah. (Why is it attributed to his mouth? - PF) A Chacham knows the Kelalim that extend over all the ways of conduct of Chachmah, and can give the laws to save oneself from the ways of death and stumbling blocks. Therefore, it says that Toras Chacham and Yir'as Hashem are "Mekor Chayim Lasur mi'Mokeshei Maves" (13:14, 14:27).


How does a Rasha's mouth cover Chamas?


Rashi: It conceals anger in their hearts. Their lips flatter, and hatred is hidden in their hearts. Even though also verse 6 said "u'Fi Resha'im Yechaseh Chamas", context proves that the explanation here is different.


R. Yonah: This is like I explained above (6; the evil and damage that their lips do via gossip and imposing their fear on people, this Chamas suffices to cover them, even without the Chamas of their deeds). It was repeated here for contrast to a Tzadik's lips. Most of this Sefer shows the extremes of good and evil, informs the distance between them and that they are opposites. One should make all efforts to approach the good ends, and know that if he approaches the bad Midah, from that path he will reach the end of evil that the Sefer revealed to you about it.


Malbim: Not only can you not learn from Resha'im's customs - just the contrary, like I explained above (6; he tries to cover his deeds, for they have a curse, and not a Brachah).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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