
What is the significance of all the names in this Pasuk?


Ramban: This is the route that Yisrael were destined to take upon entering Eretz Cana'an. 1


Incorporating a description of the various types of terrain that they were about to inherit.


Where is "Har ha'Emori"?


Rashi (in his original manuscript): It is next to Edom 1 - near Kadesh Barne's bordering the desert.


Rashi, Ibid.: It actually borders both Edom and Cana'an, as the Pasuk in Chukas, Bamidbar, 14:45 indicates "va'Yeired ha'Amaleki ve'ha'Cana'ni".


What is the significance of all the areas mentioned in the Pasuk?


Rashi (citing the Sifri) and Targum Yonasan: "P'nu u'Se'u lachem" refers to the road leading to Arad and Charmah; "u'Vo'u Har ha'Emori" - to the area on the south-eastern border next to Edom; "ve'el Kol Shecheinav" - to Amon, Mo'av and Har Se'ir; 1 "ba'Aravah" - to a stretch of forest-land; "ba'Har" - to the mountain known as 'Har ha'Melech'; "ba'Shefeilah" - to the lowlands of the south; "ba'Negev" - to the desert-land in the south, "u've'Chof ha'Yam" - refers to Ashkelon, Aza and Caesaria (and "Levanon" to the Beis-Hamikdash - Targum Yonasan). 2


See Sifsei Chachamim.


So-called because it whitens (cleanses) - 'Malbin' - the sins of Yisrael.


What is the significance of various types of land mentioned in the Pasuk?


Bava Kama, 81b: It teaches us that the portion of each tribe included land in the mountains, in the lowlands, in the desert and in the valley 1 - because, just as the territory of the Emori comprised all four, so too, did that of the Cana'ani and the P'rizi (and presumably the remaining three nations).


See Torah Temimah, note 4, who explains the benefit of each one over the others.


Why does the Torah refer to the south of Eretz Yisrael as "Negev"?


Rashi (in Bava Kama, 81b): Because, due to the lack of shade - because there are no trees, the sun shines on it constantly and dries it up. 1


And 'Naguv' means dry.


What is the meaning of "ha'Levanon"?


Targum Onkelos: It means 'Lebanon'.


Targum Yonasan: Refer to 1:7:2:1.


Sifri: 'In the land they will build themselves a Beis-Hamikdash and appoint a king - both of which are called 'Levanon'.


Why does the Torah refer to the River P'ras as "N'har ha'Gadol"?


Rashi: Because it is mentioned in connection with Eretz Yisrael. 1


Rashi (in Shevu'os, 47b): Even though in Bereishis 2:14, it is mentioned last of the four rivers because it is the smallest. From here the sayings evolved - 'The slave of a king is a king!' - 'Cleave to a king and they will bow down to you!' 'Come close to a person who is smothered in oil, and you too will become smothered in oil!' See also Torah Temimah, note 7.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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