
Why does the Torah add the word "Pekudav" regarding the tribe of Shimon?


Rabeinu Bachye (in Pasuk 20): It is an expression of 'Pekidas Avon' - Hashem visited upon the tribe the sin of Shimon their founding-father (who took hold of Yosef and cast him into the pit), and the Satan was able to reduce their number (in the census in Pinchas, after their Nasi Zimri sinned 1 ) to far less than half of their number 2 here. 3


In Balak, 25:14. the Moshav Zekenim presents a similar explanation in the name of R. Yehudah ha'Chasid.


From more than fifty-nine thousand down to just over twenty-two thousand.


See 26:14. See also R. Chavel's footnotes, citing Pesikta Zutr'sa, who therefore explains "Pekudav" as 'missing' (as in Shmuel 1, 18:20 - "Vayipaked M'kom David"). See also Ba'al ha'Turim - though he is not discussing the word "Pekudav".

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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