
What is the significance of "l'Rei'ach Shemanecha Tovim"?


Avodah Zarah 35b: A Chacham is compared to a flask of fragrant oil. If the flask is open (the Chacham teaches others), it gives off a nice scent. If not, it does not. (If he teaches others,) hidden things are revealed to him. We read "Alamos Ahevucha" like 'Alumos' (hidden things). Also, the angel of death loves him. We read the verse like 'Al Maves Ahevucha'. Also, he inherits this world and the world to come. We read it like 'Olamos.'


Rashi: This is a good reputation, called on the name of good oil. You gave a scent to the ends of the land, who heard of Your good reputation when You did wonders in Egypt.


Seforno: There are those who loved You due to the nice scent of Your oil, i.e. while You bestowed good on them in this world. Their love depended on this. Chazal said (Bava Basra 15b) that there was a Chasid (Iyov), and when afflictions came upon him, he blasphemed. They did not put to their hearts to love You for Your good, and not only for the good that they receive from You!


Malbim (Melitzah): She desires kisses of His mouth because she sensed the spiritual wine (Ru'ach ha'Kodesh) that gladdens the Nefesh and Ru'ach. This was amidst understanding actions that sense Him, even though she did not recognize Him face to face.


What is "Shemen Turak [Shemecha]"?


Rashi: It is said about You that You are oil poured constantly for a good scent that spreads afar. As long as scented oil is sealed in its flask, it smell does not spread. When one opens the flask and pours it into another Kli, its smell spreads.


Seforno: It is bestowing good on people in this world.


Malbim (Melitzah): This is influence poured from You onto the existence, and the light and spirituality hidden in it. Your name is not due to Yourself, for You are known only via pouring influence and spirituality onto the creation.


What are "Alamos"?


Rashi: They are virgins. The verse depicts Him as a bachelor whose beloved endears him.


Rashi, according to the metaphor: They are the nations.


Malbim (Mashal): These are the colleagues of the Nefesh - Chachmah, Binah and Da'as. Malbim (Melitzah) - i.e. intellectual powers that serve the spiritual Nefesh.


What do we learn from "Al Ken Alamos Ahevucha"?


Rashi: Yisro came based on what he heard, and converted. Even Rachav the harlot said "we heard how Hashem dried [Yam Suf];

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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