What is "Bas Tziyon"?
Rav Sadya Gaon: It is the congregation of Tziyon.
How did the beauty leave Bas Tziyon?
Ibn Ezra: The beauty is the kingship; "Hayu Tzareha l'Rosh" (5).
Ri Kara: The beauty is the kingship, officers, Kohanim and Nevi'im.
Palgei Mayim citing Eichah Rabah 1:33: When the children were exiled - "Olaleha Halchu Shvi" (5), the Shechinah went with them.
What is the comparison to Ayalim?
Rashi: Ayalim that did not find pasture, they were hungry, and they had no strength to flee. Ri Kara - "b'Sish'ah la'Chodesh va'Yechezak ha'Ra'av ba'Ir
Why is "Rodef" full, with a Vov? Every other Rodef in Tanach is Chaser!
Rashi: They were chased fully. The Selichah 'Ach Becha Mikveh Yisrael' hints to this - 'Malei Rudafti.'