
What is the significance of this verse?


Rashi: Before this discussed why Shlomo wrote the Sefer. Now, the Sefer itself begins.


R. Yonah (8): The next verse begins with the Mitzvah to hear one's parents' Musar. There are four introductions needed for success in Avodas Hashem. (a) He needs good company and teachers, and he desires to hear rebuke - "v'Sonei Sochachas Ba'ar" "Sonei Tochachas Yamus" (12:1, 15:10). (b) He avoids all bad company, and does not join to a Rasha, lest he cause him to stumble. (c) He puts to his heart punishment and reward, and fears Hashem, for there is no success in Avodah without fear. (d) He engages in Chachmah, and it is dear and coveted in his eyes. He toils for it and the toil is light to him, like "v'Hayu v'Einav k'Yamim Achadim b'Ahavaso Osah" (Bereishis 29:20). He is careful not to engage in extraneous, empty and evil Chachmos, and does not join to those who err in them, lest they cause him to stumble and his legs will stray. Learning Chachmah will save him from this, that deniers will not cause him to stumble. He does not think about their books, nor listen to their words. With these preparations, he will succeed in Avodah - 'great is Talmud, for it brings to [good] deeds' (Kidushin 40b). When he is diligent about deeds, to abandon sin and fulfill Mitzvos, he will reach high levels, like will be explained.


Why is Yir'as Hashem the beginning of Da'as?


Rashi: It is Terumah of Da'as - it should come first. Put first to fear your Creator, and He will put in your heart to act with Chachmah and Da'as.


R. Yonah: Anyone whose fear of sin precedes his Chachmah, his Chachmah lasts. (Avos 3:12).


Malbim: Every Chachmah has its beginning, that via it, the Chachmah is known, and these are its foundations. E.g. engineering is based on senses and axioms. Natural science is based on experiment. However, Chachmas ha'Torah and Chachmas ha'Midos mentioned in this Sefer as Stam Chachmah, their beginnings are not known via intellectual proofs. It is received from Hashem, who prepared it and researched it. Therefore, the only way to know it clearly is via Musar and Yir'as Hashem, like I explained above. Via the power of fear planted in the Nefesh to fear Hashem, he fears transgressing His will. He prepares his heart to guard the laws of Chachmah that Hashem gave. They are fixed in his heart to be reliable and true. Via this, he comes to Da'as. For him, they are like something he grasped via senses or axioms.


Why does it say "Chachmah u'Musar Evilim Bazu"?


Rashi: The fools who do not fear Hashem, they disgrace Chachmah and Musar. R. Yonah - it is not dear in their eyes. You will not succeed in learning Chachmah if it is not dear in your eyes. It will not last in your hand - "Nachalasi Edosecha l'Olam Ki Seson Libi Hemah" (Tehilim 119:111).


Malbim: An Evvil is one who is unsure and does not believe. They arouse doubts about Chachmah and Yir'as Hashem - the Musar that is the start and foundation of Da'as Chachmah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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