
What do we learn from "Ra'isi Laylah? Al Sus Adom"?


Radak citing Sanhedrin 93a: Hashem wanted to turn the entire world to night (destroy it, because Yisrael bowed to the image). He wanted to turn the entire world to blood 1 .


Rashi: The red horse hints to exacting payment from Kasdim, Madai and Paras, via the sword and blood ? "v'Ketzef Gadol Ani Kotzef Al ha'Goyim" (15). Radak ? riding on a horse shows the speed of his mission.


Radak: Zecharyah's visions are very unclear, like those of Daniel, unlike those of other Nevi'im. The power of Nevu'ah was decreasing from the time of the Galus. They did not explain their words, and did not understand the visions as they are.


Radak citing his father: The red horse hints to Nebuchadnetzar, who is called "Roshah Di Dahava" (Daniel 2:38); gold is red. [Zecharyah's] Nevu'ah was about the four kingdoms [that subjugated Yisrael], like Nebuchadnetzar's dream and Daniel's vision. Even though the horses were a Mashal for Hashem's messengers, they [also] hint to the four kingdoms.


Malbim citing Brachos 56b: If one sees a red horse in a dream, it is a good sign if is going gently; it is a bad sign if it is running. A white horse is a good sign in either case. A horse hints to war ? "Sus Muchan l'Yom Milchamah" (Mishlei 21:31). It also shows pride. Red hints to spilling blood. Chasing shows that it pursues to kill. If it goes gently, or it is white, it hints to pride, and not to murder. The horses represent valiant soldiers. The red house is one Gibor who went to fight against Melech Paras and seize kingship after him ? Alexander Mukdan, who defeated Daryavesh in his wars. Daniel saw him in the form of a goat goring a ram (8:7). Zecharyah saw him in the form of a red horse, hinting to the blood that he will spill. Each king from the four kingdoms that ruled, was like a night by himself; affliction is compared to night


93a: Since red horses symbolize a curse, this shows that white horses are a good sign in a dream.


Who was the "Ish"?


Rashi: It was an angel. Radak? we find "ha'Ish Gavriel" (Daniel 9:21). And it says below (11) "Mal'ach Hashem ha'Omed Bein ha'Hadasim." He was riding on a horse, like angels rule over lower beings. All Hashem's actions are via them 1 . His Shelichus was to uproot Malchus Bavel. Even though Malchus Bavel was uprooted before this vision, he saw the entire vision due to the three kingdoms that will be; this was during Malchus Paras ? "bi'Shnas Shetayim l'Daryavesh" (7).


Radak (according to Sanhedrin 93a): It is Hashem ? "Hashem Ish Milchamah" (Shemos 15:3).


Malbim: It is the Sar (angel) appointed over Yavan, which conducts it with his power.


There are exceptions, e.g. Makos Bechoros ? 'I, and not an angel.' (PF)


What do we learn from "ha'Omed Bein ha'Hadasim"?


Radak: The Hadasim are Yisrael. They are compared to myrtle trees, because they have a nice smell ? so Yisrael in Bavel have the scent of Mitzvos. The angel stands among them, to help take them out of Galus.


What do we learn from "[ha'Hadasim Asher ba'Metzulah v'Acharav Susim Adumim] Serukim u'Levanim"?


Radak citing Sanhedrin 93a: Hashem looked at the act of Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah, and was assuaged - "ha'Hadasim (Tzadikim - Esther was called Hadasah) Asher ba'Metzulah (Bavel)." Serukim is in place of black in the other vision of four chariots (6:2; the black horses became "Serukim", and the red became "Levanim." No one rode on these horses. The one who was riding was the officer over the other angels. If the [first] red horse hints to Nebuchadnetzar (like my father explained ? refer to 1:8:1:4), the others hint to his son and grandson. They correspond to the first chariot. It is as if it says v'Achareihem Serukim v'Achareihem Levanim. He does not mention anything corresponding to the fourth chariot, for he did not see it in this vision, for it was far, even though he saw it in the other vision.


Rashi: Among the myrtle trees in Bavel. The horses are ready for His mission. The many colors are praise for Him.


Malbim: Hashem did not to turn the entire world to night, for he saw Tzadikim that will come from Metzulah (the lower world). The horses will not chase to murder. And so it was, when Alexander came to Yerushalayim, Shimon ha'Tzadik and other Kohanim came out opposite him. He descended from his horse, bowed to Shimon ha'Tzadik and did not destroy Yerushalayim nor harm them. After that horse (Alexander) there were horses red, Serukim and white. Red hints to war, and white to Shalom. Serukim (a blend of red and white) hints that his generals, who inherited his kingship after him, some loved war and murder, and some loved Shalom and tranquility, and some were intermediate ? sometimes they fought, and sometimes they sat in Shalom.


What are "Serukim"?


Rashi: I do not know which color is Serukim.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is Kavachin (faint).


Radak: Some say that Serukim is combed with a Masrek 1 (comb).


Malbim: They are a blend of red and white.


Radak: There is no reason [to say that the verse discusses this].

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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