What is the theme of Zecharyah's Nevu'ah?
Rashi: It is greatly concealed. There are visions resembling a dream that must be interpreted. We cannot be sure of the interpretation until Mashi'ach will come. I will try to explain based on what it seems, and the Perushim of [Targum] Yonasan.
What is the significance of the eighth month?
Rashi: It is before they resumed building [Bayis Sheni], which was on the 24th of the [ninth] month (Chagai 2:10).
To whom does "ha'Navi" apply?
Radak #1: It applies [only] to Zecharyah.
Radak #2: It applies also to Edo. Also he was a Navi ? he is Ido ha'Chozeh (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 12:15); We find also "b'Midrash ha'Navi Ido" (ibid. 13:22). 1
Megilah 15a: If the father's name is mentioned with a Navi's name, this shows that also his father was a Navi. (We have no rule to teach about the grandfather's name. ? PF)
What do we learn from "Leimor"?
Radak: He should tell Yisrael, like it says "v'Amarta Aleihem" (3). They should remember how Hashem was angry at their fathers ? the generation in which the Bayis was destroyed, due to their deeds. They should repent, and not be like their fathers. They were lazy about building the Bayis ? they did not begin until the ninth month, and they also had bad deeds, like it says in Sefer Ezra.