
What is "Ayom [v'Nora]"?


Radak: It is an adjective, based on Eimah (fear).


Malbim: Eimah is due to the greatness of the matter itself. Mora is fearing its evil [acts].


What do we learn from "Mimenu Mishpato u'Seiso Yetzei"?


Rashi: Judges will come from [Kasdim] ? kings who instill fear on everyone. Mishpato is punishment.


Radak: It will not need another nation's help. It will carry out its judgment and punishment of nations, and Seiso (it will be elevated) over them.


Malbim: "Mimenu Mishpato" corresponds to Nora. It does not conduct according to fixed laws between nations and kings. A king or nation may not make war with a nation that did not sin against it 1 , and all the more so if [the victim] is submissive under it. This etiquette is fixed among all nations. Bavel will not heed this. It will make laws as it desires, to remove borders of nations and to stir up the land. Therefore, nations fear it. "U'Seiso Yetzei" corresponds to Ayom ? due to itself. Sometimes a nation overpowers with the help of other nations with which it has a Bris. Its power depends on those who help it. Bavel will not need another's help.


Brachos 3b: When Chachamim said that Yisrael cannot finance themselves, David told them to go to war! (Perhaps they would fight only nations that previously sinned against Yisrael. Or, the other nations were Chayav Misah for idolatry, so there is no Isur to fight them and take spoils. Or, this is included in Hashem's rebuke of David "Dam la'Rov Shafachta" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 22:8) ? he should have feed the poor with the money that he saved for the Beis ha'Mikdash, and not gone to war (Midrash Zuta Rus 2:13, cited in Ya'aros Devash 1:2). - PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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