What is the meaning of "[ba'Asher] l'Mi ha'Ra'ah ha'Zos"?
Rashi: Against whom did you sin, and due to this there is this evil upon us?
Radak: Since the affliction came due to you, tell us?
Malbim: They were unsure if it is due to him, or he knows the sinner. If it is due to you, what was the sin? If you know the sinner, who was it?
Why did they ask his trade?
Rashi: Perhaps you sinned in your trade.
Radak: For what sin are you liable? Perhaps your trade is a trade of swindlers, and therefore you are liable.
Malbim: Early [idolaters] believed that there is a special Sar that is god of the sea. It hates certain trades, and does not allow people of those trades to pass through the sea. It similarly hates certain places, and does not allow people from there to pass, and similarly for certain nations. Therefore, they asked also about his origin and nation.
What is the question "ume'Ayin Tavo?
Rashi: Perhaps there was a decree against the people of that place, even if you are not there now.
Radak: Perhaps you fled due to evil that you did there. What is your land? Perhaps they are Resha'im!
Malbim: Refer to 1:8:2:3.
Why did they ask "v'Ei mi'Zeh Am Atah"?
Rashi: Perhaps your nation sinned.
Radak #1: We reverse the words, as if it says umi'Eizeh Am Atah.
Radak #2: We need not reverse the words. The Am that you are from, Eizeh Hu? Is it a nation that Hashem hates due to their deeds?
Malbim: Refer to 1:8:2:3.