
What is the meaning of "v'Galus ha'Chel ha'Zeh"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: This nation. Ha'Chel is an expression of Cheil (army), like 'va'Yavo 1 Yerushalmah b'Chayil Kaved' regarding Ravshake, just the Yud is omitted.


Rashi: The exile of this valley.


Radak #1: They are Bnei Yisrael, who are scattered in exile.


Radak #2: It is the exile of Titus, who exiled [Yisrael] to lands. They are the nations of Almanya, Ashkeloniya and Tzarfas, which is called France, and Sefarad (Spain). Bnei Yerushalayim were exiled to Sefarad, and others to the other lands mentioned which were in [Edom's] jurisdiction, and they spread in the land. From these lands they were exiled by themselves, those who were in the lands of Yishmael. There is a tradition that people of Almanya were Kena'anim. When the Kena'ani evacuated from in front of Yehoshua, like it says in Sefer Yehoshua, they went to Almanya and Ashkeloniya, which they call Eretz Ashkenaz. Also today they call them Kena'anim.


Klei ha'Roim: The first exile (of the 10 tribes) will begin. Ovadyah prophesized before it.


Malbim: In Yechezkel Perek 47, it says that Bnei Dan will inherit Tzur and Tzidon in the future; they will be added to Eretz Yisrael. Bnei Dan were exiled before all the Shevatim, for they dwelled outside of Eretz Yisrael. Therefore it says that the exile began with them.


Perhaps the text should say "va'Yishlach... [Es Ravshake...] Yerushalmah... [El Melech Chizkiyah] b'Chayil Kaved" (Yeshayah 36:2), like Radak brings. Or, it says "va'Tavo Yerushalmah b'Chayil Kaved" (Melachim I, 10:2), but that refers to Malchus Sheva. (PF)


What is the meaning of "li'Vnei Yisrael Asher Kena'anim Ad Tzarfas"?


Rashi: The exile that is of Bnei Yisrael who were exiled from the 10 tribes to the land of the Kena'anim, until Tzarfas; they say that this is France.


Radak: Asher Galu, i.e. Am Kena'anim, until Tzarfas.


Klei ha'Roim: Asher Kena'anim teaches that they mixed with Kena'anim, and are almost considered like Kena'anim.


Malbim: They will inherit Tzur and Tzidon, which are of Kena'anim. "Hashem Tzivah El Kena'an" (Yeshayah 23:11) refers to Tzur, and it says "Tzarfasah Asher l'Tzidon" (Melachim I, 17:9).


What is the meaning of "v'Galus Yerushalayim Asher bi'Sfarad"?


Rashi: They are from Bnei Yehudah who were exiled to bi'Sfarad. Targum Yonasan of Sefarad is Aspamya (Spain).


Malbim: Galus Yerushalayim inherited the cities of the south, which are the portion of Yehudah and Binyamin. They will inherit in their place, like will be explained in Yechezkel Perakim 47, 48. Afterwards, they settled in Sefarad.


Whom does "Yirshu" apply to?


Radak #1: It refers to v'Galus Yerushalayim, who were from Bnei Yehudah; they will return to their land and their cities.


Radak #2: It applies to all of them due to Yerushalayim, which is in Yehudah, and all Shevatim will have a share in it, like it says in Yechezkel.


What are "Arei ha'Negev"?


Rashi: They are cities of the Negev in the south of Eretz Yisrael. Radak - they are of Yehudah. Also in Yirmeyah (13:19) it says "Arei ha'Negev Sugeru v'Ein Pose'ach."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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