Why should the drunkards waken and cry?
Radak: Those who regularly get drunk with wine, they should wake from sleep and cry day and night, for they will not find wine - the locusts will eat the grapes!
Malbim: The coming verses are connected to verse 8. The verse depicts that the vine laments - drunkards who are sunk in sleep of inebriety, waken and cry, for there is no drinking party.
Why does it add "v'Heililu Kol Shoshei Yayin"?
Malbim: Even though they are not drunk, just they are used to drinking wine, also they should lament the loss of the good drink.
What is "Asis"?
Rashi: It is good wine.
Radak: Wine and every drink derived from crushing and pressing is called Asis. This is like "v'Asosem Resha'im" (Mal'achi 3:21).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is bitter wine.