
What route did the spies take?


Rashi: They traveled along the south 1 from east to west, and then along the west coast from south to north 2 - in the shape of a Greek 'Gamma'. 3 Refer to 14:25:152:2*.


Chizkuni: They traveled diagonally - from the southeastern corner to the northwestern corner.


Oznayim la'Torah: In contrast to Moshe's instructions, they first traveled up to the north, and then went to Chevron in the south 4 (as implied by the juxtaposition of Pasuk 22 to Pasuk 21).


Rashi: As Moshe instructed them "Alu Zeh ba'Negev."


Rashi (in Yechezkel, 11:10): To Rivlah in the land of Chamas.


Mizrachi: It is like a reversed 'Reish' (the bottom and left sides of a square).


See Oznayim la'Torah Ibid. DH 'Alu Zeh ba'Negev' and on the current Pasuk DH 'va'Ya'alu ba'Negev ... '.


Where is R'chov?


Rashi (in Yechezkel, 11:10: It is synonymous with Rivlah - in the land of Chamas, which is on the northern border of Eretz Yisrael (and is also known as 'Antuchya' - Targum Yonason).


Seeing as Yisrael were in Midbar Paran, why did the spies enter the land from Midbar Tzin?


R. Chaim Paltiel: The Cana'anim knew where Yisrael were. Therefore, they entered from a different location to avoid detection.


Moshav Zekenim: The Gemara states in Shabbos that Midbar Paran and Midbar Tzin are two of the desert's five names. 1


This concurs with the opinion of Tosfos in Shabbos, 89a. Refer to.13:21:153:1 and note.


The southern border of Eretz Yisrael begins with Midbar Tzin in the east, and later it is south of Kadesh Barne'a (34:3,4). These are the same because the Pesukim in Devarim (1:19) and in Yehoshua (14:7) write that they sent the Meraglim from Kadesh Barne'a, and here it says from Midbar Tzin?


Kadesh Barne'a is in Midbar Tzin. Refer to 13:21:153:1.


R. Chaim Paltiel: The spies entered from Midbar Tzin, but Yisrael were not there. Refer to 13:21:151:1.


The spies were sent from Midbar Tzin. This is equvalent to Rismah (the first stop after Chatzeros ? 33:18). It is also called Kadesh Barne'a (Devarim 1:19 and Yehoshua 14:7 say that they were sent from Kadesh Barne'a). But there are eighteen journeys from Rismah until Midbar Tzin , - Kadesh (33:19-36)?


Moshav Zekenim: It is one vast desert. Its primary name is Kadesh (33:36), and different parts of it have different names - such as Rismah). 1


Moshav Zekenim: The Pasuk writes in Tehilim (29:8) "Kol Hashem Yachil? Midbar Kadesh" - at the time of Matan Torah. And the Torah writes in ve'Zos ha'Berachah Devarim, 33:2 about that time "Hofi'a me'Har Paran".


The Torah writes in Devarim 1:3 that it is an eleven-day journey from Chorev to Kadesh Barne'a (from where they sent the spies), whereas the Gemara states in Shabbos, 89a & b that they are one and the same


Because Chorev and Kadesh Barne'a are both in Midbar Sinai. Refer to 13:21:153:1.

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