
Why does the Torah insert the words "Vayomer lahem Elokim P?ru u'Revu" which it did not do in Pasuk 22, in connection with the birds and fish?


Ramban: Whereas above, He merely blessed them with the ability to increase, here He is addng a B?rachah that Adam and Chavah should succeed in doing so. 1


See Oznayim la?Torah, who, citing the Ramban and Rabeinu isim, explains that the first statement is a B?rachah and the second, a command, and elaborates.


What is the distinction between "Peru" (be fruitful) and "Revu" (multiply)?


Rashi (to 1:22): Rashi explains (regarding the blessing to the birds and fish), "Peru" means "produce offspring." Had Hashem said only this, they would produce only one offspring and no more. "Revu" adds that they would produce many. 1


Radak: "Peru" means to have children; "Revu" means to raise them. 2


Sifsei Chachamim: Even many offspring at one time.


The Targum of "grow" (l'Gadel) is "Reva." Also see Rav Samson R. Hirsch. (CS)


What are the connotations of "u?Mil?u es ha?ha?Aretz"?


Ramban #1: He was instructing Adam and Chavah here to try their utmost to have as Many children as possible.


Ramban #2: He was ordering them to fill the world, and not to remain in one place (as the generation of the Tower later attempted to do). 1


Targum Yonasan: It Refers to amassimng property - Targum Yonasan).


Compare with Ramban to 9:7; refer to 11:1:2:3.


Why does the Torah omit the second 'Vav' in the word "ve'Chivshu'hah" ?


Rashi #1: It Refers (not to the animal world), but) to Chavah - to teach us that a Man should keep his wife in check, 1 to prevent her from leaving the house, 2 and, based on the same D?rashah, 3 it also teaches us that ?P?ru u?Revu is confined to a Man and does not incorporate women.


Rashi #2: To teach us that a Man, whose way it is to conquer, has the Mitzvah of P?ru u'Revu, but not a woman.


Sifsei Chachamim: As if it had written ?ve?Chivshah?.


Da'as Zekenim: Leah went out, and caused her daughter to stumble Refer to 34:1:1:1. One who stays inside is worthy to marry and bear Kohanim Gedolim. As the Pasuk states in Tehilim 45:14, "Kol Kevudah bas Melech Penimah?.


See note 1. See also Torah Temimah, note 65, who eplains that we learn it from the fact that it is the way of Man to conpuer and not women.


What is the difference between "v'Chivshu'ha," and "u'Redu ..."?


Rashi: ?Vechivshuhah? - Refer to 1:28:4: 1 & 2. ?u?Redu ? ? - Rashi (in Teshuvos): It was a B?rachah thst Adam and Chavah should rule 1 over all the other creatures.


Seforno: "ve'Chivshu'hah" means ?Control the wild animals? (by means of your superior knowledge) from entering your domain; "u'Redu" - catch them with nets and traps to use them for your own benefit. 2


Targum Yonasan: ?Vechivshuhah? - acquire a lot of property; ?u?Redu ? ? - See answer #1.


As in Yo?el, 4:13.


In similar vein, the Ramban explains that man will be able to utilize everything in the world, including the animals, to his advantage, even the fish and the birds (and the wild beasts), which will not be so easy to catch


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk ?u?Redu bi?Degas ha?Yam ? ? and the fact that Adam was not permitted to eat meat (See answer #1 to next question)?


Sanhedrin, 69b: Jurisdiction over the animals is confined to working with them - even birds and fish 1 - but not to killing them and eating their flesh.


See Torah Temimah, note 66.



Rashi writes: "v'Chivshu'ha - The male restrains the female, that she not should roam... Also, a man is obligated in the Mitzvah of Peru u'Revu, not a woman." In the Gemara (65a), however, these two interpretations are presented as two differing opinions?


Gur Aryeh #1: The dispute in Yevamos is whether or not a woman is commanded in Peru u'Revu (the Mitzvah to procreate, as found in this Pasuk). The majority opinion of the Chachamim is that she is not, based on the word "v'Chivshu'ha." Nonetheless, that is not the simple explanation of the Pasuk; Rashi is telling us that they too agree to the first interpretation (that the male restrains the female).


Gur Aryeh #2 (citing Mizrachi): Rashi cites the first explanation [only] according to Rebbi Yochanan ben Beroka (who holds that women are obligated in Peru u'Revu), and the second according to the Chachamim.

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